Mountain Skies Astronomical Society

Exploring Beyond Our World

Est. 1989


Our Village

Our dedicated Board of Directors, and volunteer Village Staff are what make MSAS a success. We are a team of scientists, researchers, educational professionals and individuals from all walks of life. Each of us are dedicated to provide quality science education to grades K-12, seasonal Graduate Students, and the general public.


Our Telescope

The Robert Brownlee Observatory is a customized solar powered, University Model 22’ astronomical dome. Housed inside is our one of a kind computer controlled 17.2" diameter research grade telescope. Mounted on top of the primary telescope is a 5” refracting telescope designed for safe solar viewing.

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Our Mission

Our goal is to bridge the gap between textbook knowledge and personal experience in the sciences.

We offer opportunities for public access to the “tools of science” to meet our goal.

Our entire volunteer staff members at Mountain Skies Astronomical Society

welcome you to our informative website.

Thank you for your understanding of our closures this year! Sadly, there may be a few more. Trust me… we are as sad about this as you are!

Currently, we are dealing with a massive amount of “pine cones”, I’m not kidding! They are falling out of the trees at the MSAS Astronomy Village. Not only are they “covering” the ground like we have never experienced before, but they are dangerous when they fall from a tall tree and land on someone head! So far … four giant trash cans are full of the “cones”, but hundreds of pine cones are still on the ground and falling out of the trees.

Thus for safety reason… we must close down once again and clear out the pine cones and hope that we can reopen

(MARCH 29th,Saturdays from 10am-noon)

PLEASE…Stay tuned HERE for ongoing UPDATES!


free Public Facility tours +…


(MARCH 29th,Saturdays from 10am-noon)


Weather Permitting from: 7pm to 10pm

Program topic:

SoonTo be assigned (weather permitting)

Call: (909) 336-1699 to make reservations.

Admission cost: Children under 15 YRS: $8.00 Adults $12.00


Please check back “often” for more information.

Mountain Skies Astronomical Society’s Astronomy Village

founded in 1989

OUR PHONE NUMBER:(909) 336-1699

Our address: 27614 State HWY 18, 2001 Observatory Way, Lake Arrowhead, CA. 92352

For current Saturday Program information, click on “PROGRAMS” in the upper site listing,

Between Donate and Events..