Your Remarks
Our Visitors Say it best…
"This was my third trip to MSAS. Each time I attend my only complaint is that I wish the classes were longer. Time passes so quickly that I am disappointed that she had to stop and I have to leave! MSAS is the best and top quality place to learn astronomy.”
Rod, from Denver, CO
"Our Junior Girl Scout Troop visited your facility on June 1. The girls learned so much and were truly inspired. They cited their trip to MSAS as the highlight of their trip, ahead of the local waterslide! :>) Many thanks!"
Carlsbad, Calif.
"Your program and its content are all that our children have talked about for days.... MSAS has a new fan club! You have an excellent observation site, enthusiastic lecturer, and an impressive center and mission. We will return soon."
Long Beach, Calif.
I am a high school teacher from Virginia. I heard your lecture at JHU last year and choose California as our vacation destination this year so the family could see and attend your facility. The MSAS facility is an awesome addition to science education for all age groups! We had a marvelous time listening to your presentation, touching "aliens", learning constellation from the green laser and viewing through the telescope. My children purchased many wonderful items from your gift shop. As we return home we'll have to see if LAX airport security allows them through with "Mars Mud"! All my best to you and continued success to MSAS.
Andy, West Virginia
NOTE: We are grateful to Andy and his family for their generous donation of $500.00
"The kids are begging to come back and see you again. We will return in September for more "green laser" moments. Pointing out stars in the night sky with a laser was not the only highlight of the evening. Your excellent, logical presentation is a very worth while experience. Your effective teaching methods has the kids all turned on to astronomy and science in general - my many thanks to you!"
Carol from Los Angeles, CA
"The knowledge and humor of the instructor was the highlight of the entire evening. I could have listened to her for days. She made a complicate subject seem so easy. I can now find constellation, even by myself!"
Washington, DC
"the presentation and demonstrations were extremely understandable and interesting. I rate the evening an A+. Couldn't have been better! Thank you."
" ... the thoughtful and knowledgeable way the material was presented is remarkable! It's really heartening to know that MSAS is here to make a big difference in a lot of peoples lives."
A Special Note
This drawing was given to us by a 5 year old child who attended our programs every Saturday night with her Mother. We receive many special notes and artwork from our participants, unfortunately we can not post them all on this site. However, this one is extra special and we thought you might enjoy seeing it.
Might she be a future astronomer?
"Excellent speaker - lots of understandable information, very knowledgeable instructor- time went by so quickly, I was sorry that it had to end!"
Boulder, CO
"... made a subject so understandable - I loved the attitude, enthusiasm & spirit".
Chicago, IL
"I would like to tell you again how much I, for one, enjoyed your talks and demonstrations at our Elderhostel. They were the highlights of the entire program."
John, a participant of a recent Elderhostel Program
"My husband was really the one who wanted to come there, but after the presentation - well, I was so excited that "I can do" astronomy that we purchased a telescope at your giftshop!"
Oxnard, Calif.
"Wow, wow and wow! Your instruction and lecture were understandable and beautifully presented. You made this experience one of the best of my life! Thank you!"
Houston, Texas
"Our fear of science evaporated as your presentation progressed. The lecture was absolutely excellent. It would be impossible to receive a better introduction to astronomy."
Riverside, Calif.
"I am writing to express to you how amazed and thrilled I am at what I saw last night at Astronomy Village. You must be so proud; what you have done is absolutely incredible! I can only imaging how much frustration, stress, and coordination must have been involved in bringing together all of the elements required to build what you have built. Congratulations on a job well done to you and everyone else involved. The observatory is just wonderful, more wonderful than I could have imagined. I'm sure that many thousands of people from many generations to come will benefit from your vision."
Lake Arrowhead, Calif.
"... you have an enthusiasm for your subject that is infectious and I had the feeling that you could lecture for days without losing your audience.. . to help support your programs, we are making a donation of $1000."
Raleigh, NC.
"As the school year draws to a close, we wanted to extend our thanks for providing another year of remarkable field trips to our students. The work you do requires enormous dedication, knowledge and vision - and for this you have earned our respect and gratitude."
Pasadena, Calif.
"Your program was perhaps the most enjoyable, informative programs in all of the 11 Elderhostels I've attended."
Austin, Texas
" This program was wonderful and by far my favorite - I only wish my 12 year old grandson could have enjoyed this class with me."
New York, NY
"I can't tell you how much I have used the info from the Sept. Elderhostel I happily attended. I am hooked. I can name at least 50 objects in the sky now where when I came I knew 4. Thanks!"
West Covina, Calif.