Who We Are
Mountain Skies Astronomical Society and the MSAS Astronomy Village take science education to new heights in Lake Arrowhead and the surrounding mountain community. The custom Robert Brownlee Observatory sits in the San Bernardino Mountains just north of Redlands. It houses a research grade telescope for breathtaking views of the night sky.
Our Stories
Our Village
Our dedicated Board of Directors, graduate students and village staff are what make MSAS a success. We are a team of scientists, researchers and educational professionals who are dedicated to provide quality science education to grades K-12 and the general public.
Robert Brownlee Observatory
Primary Telescope
17.2 inch diameter, f/8 SCT, custom go-To drive system, and a 5” refractor with solar filter.
22'.0" fiberglass observatory with solar powered dome rotation and shutter opening
Star Gazer’s Gift Shop
In our effort to continue to support science education, we are excited to bring our Star Gazer’s Gift Shop online.
Webster & Mary Alice Parker Library
The MSAS member library contains books, collectables, models, and displays for all ages and interest levels. The library also houses the MSAS Star Atlas.
Education Building
Surrounding Site
Our grounds are home to a beautiful Butterfly Garden and a Global Positioning System (GPS) Monument. We are proud to be GPS monument site # 27 of the Southern California Earthquake Center.
Our People
We are enthusiasts, educators, researchers, and professionals from diverse backgrounds who share common goals.
The Directorate of Mountain Skies Astronomical Society and the MSAS Astronomy Village are also the co-founders. Each have proudly served, non-remunerated, since 1989.
MSAS Board of Directors
President - Chair
Dr. Lorann Parker, D.Sc, Ph.D
Vice President
Mr. David Strutt
Mrs. Dorothy Allmon
MSAS 24 Hour Star Gazer’s Sky Report is produced by Mrs. Dorothy Allmon
Honorary Director
Joe Engle
Astronaut, Major General
Advisory Board
John Galetzka, Caltech/SCIGN
David Sleeter, Teleflite Corp.
Eugene Bottoms, Geologist
Richard Lee