Building the Robert Brownlee Observatory
Construction of the Robert Brownlee Observatory began in July and ended in September of 2000. The structure was funded by contributions from the Robert Brownlee Foundation, the families of Richard & Lorann Parker, Richard & Dorothy Allmon, and David E. Strutt.
Here is how we built it:
Laying a Good Foundation

By July 20th, proper building and safety inspections were complete and the first of two concrete pours was underway.
Finally the beautiful observatory pad is complete.
Now we anxiously await the arrival of the dome and its assembly crew.
Assembling the Observatory

John Hay And Doug McClintock of Sirius Observatories traveled from Australia to construct the observatory. The future structure was shipped unassembled and arrived at the MSAS Astronomy Village on August 4th.
The next day assembly began. MSAS staff members Dillon Ross and Alex Parker assisted with this task. Within a few hours a dome was born on the MSAS concrete slab.
Sunday August 6th the observatory walls were built on the pad. Jeff Kawell Crane Service lifted the dome onto the walls.
The observatory structure is complete.
MSAS is proud of the young men from our organization who assisted in the construction of the Robert Brownlee Observatory. They represent the highest values of our organization and the best of America’s youth!